World Premiere!
A gateway product to high-end tube gear.
Review By Rick Becker
Coincident Speaker Technology
Dynamo 34SE MK II
Oh geez, not another Coincident review by Rick Becker? Well, yes,
and for good reason in this instance. The original Dynamo 34SE
was my go-to amp for the $5000 Entry Level Project back in
August of 2014 and I eagerly snapped up the review sample for my
personal low power reference and headphone amplifier. My review
today of the Coincident Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II is
to find out what improvements have been made. Getting back to
the original, it was an outstanding performer with efficient
speakers and a very high value at $1299. Here was an opportunity
for a direct comparison review between that amp and the new
Coincident Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II.
The first difference appeared immediately when I lifted the box
from the floor where the UPS guy had set it. This amp was
noticeably heavier. When I set it on the cabinet in the family
room to break it in with the TV, it had to be angled on the top
to provide clearance for the cable connections ? something that
I didn't have to do with the original. Still, it didn't seem
that much larger and the form factor was virtually identical.
After warming it up for a couple of minutes and bringing the
volume up, it was evident there was a lot more power in this amp
as it drove my Coincident Partial Eclipse MK II speakers to a
much more satisfying volume with more control, particularly in
the bass. I didn't realize it at the time, but breaking it in
with the TV was a perfect way to achieve that task, as it
precluded the temptation of critical listening with familiar
music. College bands at half-time are a far cry from my usual
favorite listening choices.
Fast forward to New Year's Day. I rolled the Coincident Turbo
845SE out of the rig where it had been used to entertain guests
the night before with vintage LPs from Pete Seeger and Leonard
Cohen. In its place went a 2.5" thick slab of architectural
slate on which I placed the MKII ? rock on rock. Just for kicks
I thought I'd hook it up to my Kharma speakers for a gentle test
run. The original Dynamo hadn't done very well driving them in
my large 6000 cu-ft. listening room for anything other than soft
background music. In connecting the cables I was reminded that
the Dynamo, unlike the larger Turbo, has only one set of RCA
inputs. That hadn't changed in the evolution to Mk II status.
For the speaker cables there were separate binding posts for 8
Ohm and 4 Ohm speakers which were clearly marked and much easier
to read than the black letters on the polished stainless steel
chassis on the larger Turbo 845SE. The 5/16" thick back plate of
brushed aluminum on the Dynamo Mk II was 1.25" wider than the
original, so there was a little more space to make the
connections and this was a welcomed change, particularly with
the stiff, and now vintage, JPS Labs Superconductor+ cables.
The volume knob is another item that hasn't changed. There is
still just a small, barely visible notch in the top edge to
indicate its position. As before, I remedied this with a small
piece of tape and a black marker, but I'll try and think of
something clever before the review is finished ? maybe another
rubber band from a lobster claw. In any case, you will be using
this knob a lot since there is no remote control. The attenuator
has no detents and it is just as smooth as the original with a
light, quality feel. I was running the Kronos Sparta turntable
as the front end and my Coincident Statement Phono preamp, so
the front end was first class and far more expensive than this
amp is likely to meet up with in the real world. As with the
break-in period with the Partial Eclipse Mk II speakers, it
didn't take long to recognize the Mk II was significantly more
powerful than the original. It drove my Kharma speakers (rated
at 89dB efficiency, with a benign 8 Ohm load) with aplomb at
reasonable listening levels. With rock music I would listen at
about 88dB with peaks ranging from 90dB to 92dB ? certainly not
head-banger territory, but well within the range where the
Kharma speakers really blossom.
At 95dB in my large room, the music began to clip noticeably, but
without irritation. These measurements were taken at the
listening position with the meter about 7.5 feet from the
speakers when held in front of my chest ? what I call a
mid-field listening distance. I settled in for over a week,
amazed at how good this combination was working. It was a time
when I could relax with both the holidays and the Kronos review
behind me. I felt no urgency to compare it with the original
Dynamo or switch back to the much more powerful Turbo ? nor did
I feel anxious to swap in the high-efficiency Tekton Design
speakers. Life was good.
With a mid-field listening triangle and the speakers placed in
front of the long wall, the Dynamo presented a wide and deep
soundstage. Players were nicely positioned on stage. Tonality
was well balanced top to bottom. Timbre sounded accurate. The
slight softening of the deep bass was a known characteristic of
the Kharma Ceramique 2.2 model and it was no worse than with
other fine amps. Attack, decay and dynamics all seemed very
good. The music presented with proper sense of air of the
recording venue. It was neither hard nor soft. There was really
nothing overt to criticize and it was easy to simply sit back
and enjoy the music. But eventually it was time to get down to
work and start pumping iron.
When I put the Turbo back into the rig again there was improved
focus, better micro-dynamics, tastier timbre, a little wider and
deeper soundstage, more spotlight on the performers who were
more finely pinpointed in space, and the air was clearer ? all
of which you would kind of expect from an amp from the same
designer that cost four times as much. Surprisingly ? but maybe
not so, given the moderate listening level here ? the attack,
decay and dynamics seemed to stay pretty much the same, which is
to say, not etched, not syrupy, not punishing...just right on.
Chalk that up to beefy transformers, for which Israel Blume is
well known. Or give some credit to the excellence of the Kronos
Sparta with its rock steady speed control and excellent
isolation from vibrations. If I had cranked the volume up, the
much heavier Turbo would have easily pulled further away from
the Dynamo as you would expect.
Normally I place my equipment on some kind of footer which
usually increases performance. The narrow, deep and heavy Turbo
has been an exception. At 85 pounds it is difficult to swap
footers in and out without an accomplice. To expedite taking it
in and out of the system I've built a dolly with a solid oak top
from an end table and some heavy duty 2" swivel plate castors.
The Turbo is so heavy that it comes with six factory installed
footers so I put it on the dolly and left it at that. The Dynamo
Mk II is another story. I started out with just placing it on a
slab of slate, achieving the results mentioned above. After
comparing it with the original Dynamo, I decided to tweak it
with some Synergistic Research MiG footers resting on
SoundDampedSteel IsoFeet, all on top of the slate. Three of the
new MiG 2.0 footers will up the ante $249; a set of four IsoFeet
will cost about $69, shipped to the USA. (I am still using the
original MiG footers, two domes facing down, one up, for optimum
focus.) The sound immediately improved.
The Coincident Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II is a
significant improvement over the original Dynamo both in audio
quality and the apparent ease with which it drives more
difficult loads. The watts may be the same in quantity, but the
quality of those eight watts per channel takes it a step up from
the original. When you add the footers, the quality of the Mk II
approaches that of the much larger and much more expensive Turbo
SE. If watts are like horsepower then transformers and energy
storage are kind of like torque in an internal combustion
engine, and this is where the Mk II pulls away from the original
model and closes in on the Turbo. Israel tells me the power
transformer has been increased by 50% and the energy storage
capacity, which allows the amp to provide much greater power for
instantaneous musical peaks without clipping, has been increased
by 70%. The MK II will be able to drive a much larger selection
of speakers in a much larger room than the original.
The tubes in the original and the Dynamo 34SE MK II are Electron
Tube brand from China, but the rectifier tube in the MK II has
been changed from the "instant on" 5U4GB to the "soft start"
5AR4 to protect the amp from blowing fuses due to inrush surges
in areas such as mine with high-ish line voltage (121V). I made
this change in my original model and had zero problems since
then, and noticed virtually no difference in the sound, though
people who dance on the plates of vacuum tubes will probably
argue this point. Differences in tube manufacturers and tube
vintage will probably make more significant changes than this
change in tube type. I didn't get into the sport of tube rolling
here. (For sport, I much prefer rolling hills and high mountain
passes on my bicycle.) Additionally, the capacitors used in the
MK II have double the voltage capacity of the original to
provide greater reliability in areas with unruly voltage
behavior. Israel told me stories of areas with fluctuations to
as much as 128V. This is not a problem in my neighborhood with
buried cables and a recently upgraded sub-station about a
quarter mile away. I do have voltage that is consistently on the
high side, though.
The original Dynamo 34SE was certainly a delightful amp
performing exceptionally well for its size and price when
driving high efficiency speakers. With the Coincident Speaker
Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II, you don't need to be so particular
about your choice of speaker or the size of the room, though if
you wish to play really loud, high efficiency speakers are
obviously the best way to go. Would I recommend trading up from
the original to the Mk II? If you've built a reasonably well
balanced system around the original amp, probably not. You'd
likely be better off tweaking what you already have, or look for
a weaker link in your chain, particularly if you suspect it
might be at your front end. If you're starting a fresh new
system or simply know for sure that your current amp needs
replacement, don't shy away because of the low wattage of the
Dynamo 34SE Mk II. With moderately efficient speakers in a
moderately sized room and listening at moderate levels that
won't destroy your hearing, the MK II is a serious contender and
a very high value. It is worthy of high quality speakers ten
times its modest cost. These parameters should make it a
relevant choice for a vast number of audiophiles ? far more than
the original design, for just a few hundred dollars more.
Moreover, for anyone shy about getting into tube gear, at this
modest price, there should be little fear and even less risk.
All of the tubes used here (5AR4, 6SL7, and EL34) are common,
current production available at reasonable prices. Another nice
new touch on the MK II, the tube sockets are all labeled and
easily read from above.
The EL34 tube is a very linear, neutral pentode tube, but in this
amp it is wired in triode configuration and run in Class A which
allows it to create a more holographic soundstage than if it
were used more conventionally in a push-pull configuration.
While it does not have the ultimate tonal color and palpability
of my favorite SET tubes ? the 2A3, parallel 300B, or the 845,
neither does it have the cost, which can be a very comforting
attribute by itself ? particularly if your gear is sometimes at
the mercy of kids, pets or a maid. That the EL34 tube in this
amp gets so close to the quality of those more expensive tubes
is a breath of fresh air for the industry. Anyone who has been
leery of tube amps because of the expense should leap at the
opportunity to hear this amplifier.
With Tekton Design Speakers
While I had been delighted with the performance of the Coincident
Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II with the 89dB/W/m efficient
Kharma speakers, I thought it necessary to compare the MK II
with original Dynamo using the Tekton Design Lore Reference that
performed so well in the $5000 Entry Level Project. It has an
efficiency of 96dB/W/m and has an impedance average of 8 Ohms,
making it a very easy load for either amplifier. First of all,
moving from the Kharma to the Tekton illuminated the high
quality of sound from these much more affordable speakers. Only
in a narrow range at the upper end of the piano keyboard where I
heard more metal and less felt than I cared for, did the Tekton
fall noticeably short. For the difference in cost, I suspect
many people would be willing to live with that shortcoming. And
since the Tekton does not play as low as the Kharma, low bass
was not an issue. Your subwoofer will take care of that if you
need to go there.
Overall, with the easy load of the Tekton speaker the MK II
produced notable improvements, but not as earth-shattering as
Israel might like me to rave. There was a bit more dynamics, a
bit more transparency, greater focus and inner detail revealed,
but no Tsunami. The reasons, of course, are that the original
was so darn good to begin with, and the Tekton is such an easy
load for either amp. With a more challenging speaker such as the
Kharma (although even this speaker is a relatively easy load for
a tube amp) the differences between the original and Mk II would
likely be more pronounced.
One difference is worth noting here. I used both amps with and
without the above mentioned footers. The Dynamo 34SE MK II
exhibited somewhat greater improvement with the addition of the
footers, in spite of the fact that Israel included more
stiffening and bracing in the chassis of the MK II. Standing on
the factory feet, the MK II is better, yes, but by adding the
footers, the Mk II improves even more than the original amp
improves by adding the footers. Probably this is due to the 20%
larger footprint of the MK II and I suspect much of the increase
in weight from 22 lbs. to 30 lbs. is due to the larger power
transformer and power supply. These very upgrades also increase
the potential for higher quality music?a potential which the
footers then unleash.
The Question Of Balance
When Louis Desjardins and company were here earlier to set up the
Kronos Sparta 0.5 turntable and subsequently convert it to the
full Sparta, they both commented on how nicely balanced my
system was. I accepted that as a complement, but also realized
the other side of the coin. Both of these gentlemen were
accustomed to setting up rigs in the neighborhood of ten times
the cost of my rig. My neighborhood is closer to that of Mr.
Green Jeans. But my garden grows and I'm ever mindful of what
the weakest link in the system must be. The front end took a
giant step forward with the insertion of the Sparta turntable
forcing me to shift my attention to other areas for possible
My audio buddy, Professor Tom, phoned to tell me he was flying
down to Texas to examine petroglyphs along the Rio Grande and
visit the Alamo while his wife attended a week long quilting
workshop down there. (My visit to the Alamo a few years ago was
one of the most moving experiences in my life. If you get the
chance, go.) Tom wanted to know if I would like to borrow his
recently acquired (used) Synergistic Research power cord and
interconnect, both of which were much newer versions of my own
cables. He got the long answer. ("No" is shorter than
With the Coincident Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II on
footers and driving the Kharma speakers I ran multiple
comparisons of first the Synergistic Research Element Titanium
power cord, then the Synergistic Research UEF Atmosphere, Level
2 interconnect (right at the front end, between the turntable
and the phono stage), and finally both power cord and
interconnect together. It was so enlightening I reveled in music
until 3 am before finally emailing Tom that I was not going to
return either of his cables. They were that good, taking the
resolution up to the level of the Best Rooms I hear at the
Montreal and Toronto shows each year. The good news here, for
the Coincident amp, is that it was capable of acknowledging and
conveying the excellence of the improved signal.
Resolution improved dramatically, revealing even finer gradations
of tonal color. The sense of space became a lot more there,
particularly on live recordings. My left foot, crossed over my
right knee, never stopped bouncing. Very impressive was the
silence of the amp. The S/N ratio is listed as 92dB (up from
88dB in the original). It is not specified, but if this is for 1
watt, A-weighted, this is an exceptionally good figure for a
tube amp. With the volume knob set at normal listening level, I
had to get my ear within a foot of the woofer before I could
hear just a slight hum. The take-away here is the Dynamo 34SE MK
II is worthy of much more expensive supporting equipment than it
is likely to be paired with, given its modest price point. Yes,
the cost of footers will up the ante a bit, but this is an
amplifier that can start out in an entry level rig and stay with
you until everything else in your system has been upgraded to
first class components. It's that good.
Racing In The Streets
Having decided to purchase the amp, I took it to an even higher
level of resolution with the application of AVM (Anti-Vibration
Magic), the "blue tube goop" that I've played with for years.
First I painted the fuse which locked in another advance with 24
hours of drying time. And then I opened it up and painted the
solder joints of the IEC AC input. Again, with 24 hours of
drying time, resolution took yet another step forward. The AVM
is easily removed from the fuse with a finger nail, should you
wish to mellow out the sound a bit, but adding the AVM in those
two places produced an improvement in resolution roughly
equivalent to the addition of the Synergistic Research MiG
original domes coupled with the SDS Isofeet plates. Combining
the AVM with the footers brought a level of resolution that
enabled me to decipher song lyrics that would have escaped me
without the aid of the album liner. Your hearing (or your
personal taste) may not require such acute resolution, but it's
nice to know that the amp is very tweakable in this regard.
Ah, the soft glow which vacuum tubes impart to the darkened
listening room while listening late at night. It's almost like
having a warm fireplace in the room, except for the crackle of
the burning wood and the embers that get spit out onto the rug.
The Dynamo puts out enough light to let you know it's on and
allow you to navigate the room without tripping on your pets,
but it doesn't put out an enormous amount of heat. It won't
require turning on the air conditioning in the summer, but you
will still need to have the heat on in the winter. Or do what I
do ? ramp up the heat before the listening session, then turn it
off for some serious quality time with your music. While you're
doing that, warm up the amp. It takes just a minute, but you'll
find the music improves a bit over the next 15 to 20 minutes,
which is not uncommon with vacuum tube gear. Use the time to
give attention to the music you want to hear.
Visually, the polished stainless steel chassis and transformer
covers have become the signature of Coincident amps. It seemed a
bit too much bling for me when I bought my first one, but like a
polished silver buckle on blue jeans, it came to feel natural to
me. And besides that, it counter-balances the house with the
chrome exhaust pipes on the motorcycle in the garage. If you're
more often in pin-stripe suits and tuxedos, well, handle these
amps with white gloves so you don't get fingerprints all over
them. When the dust collects, vacuum them first, and then clean
them up with a little chrome polish. Me? Mostly I just use them
for listening to music and let the dust collect. When we throw a
party "dust the amps" magically shows up on the to-do list. It's
really no more difficult than wiping down the piano black
speakers. A soft paint brush cleans around the tubes. And
besides, it makes my wife happy.
Headphone Amp
The MK II, like the original, comes with a headphone jack on the
front panel. I'm not a headphone junky, though I've borrowed
Tom's vintage Grado SR80 phones to help decipher my video notes
for my show reports. Recently I've acquired the new Grado SR325e
which is a large step up from Tom's SR80, but not as fine as
their top-of-the-line models which I've coveted at shows. I'm
able to listen without strain or pain and can easily separate my
dialog from the music being played in the rooms at shows. It's a
very useful, relatively high resolution tool for me that also
allows me to get my foot in the door to headphone geekdom
without taxing the bank account too much. So how do they work
with the Dynamo?
Well, my first discovery was that the speakers do not cut off
when you insert the plug. This was an inconvenience that
required disconnecting each speaker cable at one binding post ?
it was easier for me to do this at each speaker than on the back
of the amp. Tube amps like to see a load. If music is being fed
to the amp and neither the speakers nor the headphones are
connected, you will run into expensive trouble. So you have to
remember to reconnect the speaker cable if you disconnect the
headphones so it will be looking at a load... or, simply leave
the headphones plugged in to remind you. Israel said 30 seconds
without a load should not be a problem, but 60 seconds could
spell danger for the transformer. Conversely, if you're going to
play the speakers, remember to disconnect your headphones so you
don't damage them. The headphone jack is padded down from 8
watts to 4 watts. Both my speakers and my particular headphones
required about the same volume setting, but yours may differ.
Those four watts at the headphone jack will drive just about any
headphone made. You head-fi enthusiasts know this already.
Certainly, other amplifiers automatically cut out the speakers
when you insert the headphone plug, but Israel said to do this
he would have had to add more wire and change the circuit, which
would have degraded the signal, or relocate the headphone jack
to the rear of the unit. Neither option was acceptable to him.
We wasn't about to compromise the transparency of the amp or the
convenience of the headphone jack on the faceplate.
Sound-wise, the signal comes through with all the transparency,
focus and certainly dynamics(!) that the amp provides for the
speakers. The Mk II is extremely quiet so even with efficient
headphones that require little gain, the music emerges from the
proverbial black background. The EL34 tube is very neutral so
any coloration or distortion will likely be the signature of
your headphones, not the interaction of your speakers with the
room. With the Grado SR325e the midrange that makes this brand
so famous really lured me into the music as I lay on the floor
in front of the amp. Not that it was particularly lacking in
bass or treble, but neither extreme will tire you out in long
listening sessions or distract you from the heart of the music
which is almost always in the midrange. While the MK II serves
as an excellent headphone amp, its larger form factor makes it
less of a desktop amp than its predecessor and made me wonder if
the next Coincident amplifier might be a dedicated headphone
amp, more suitable for chairside listening. Israel denied such
an amp was in the works and said that about 25% of the owners of
the original model bought them to be used primarily for
headphones. One thing is for sure... at 30 lbs., you're not
likely to pull the MK II off your table if you forget to remove
your headphones.
The Load Out
Given that the Coincident Speaker Technology Dynamo 34SE MK II is
an integrated amplifier with a passive front end, it is a
gateway product to high-end tube gear that will take you from
Entry Level to First Class. Many people, me among them, revel in
the sense of space and tonal color that tube gear evokes from
recorded music. Unfortunately, far more people seem to fear
tubes. (They probably also call an electrician to change a light
bulb.) If ever I've seen a piece of tube gear that offers such
high quality, with so little risk of investment and such
reasonably wide application, the Dynamo 34SE MK II is it. Not
only have I bought the review sample, if I were forced to sell
off my amplifier collection, the Coincident Speaker Technology
Dynamo 34SE MK II would be the last to leave. Once again, in an
industry that so often caters to the ultra-wealthy, Israel Blume
offers yet another outstanding product that can be afforded by
people in the middle class who give high priority to the
enjoyment of recorded music.
Type: Vacuum tube stereo integrated amplifier
Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz
Output Power: 8 watts per channel
Headphone Power: 4 watts per channel
Tube Compliment: 6SL7 input/driver tube, EL 34 output tube, and
5AR4 soft start rectifier
Output impedance: 4 and 8 Ohms
Voltage selectable: 115V/230V - switch located on bottom
Sensitivity: 300 mV full output
Input impedance: 100 kOhms
S/N Ratio: 92 dB (up from 88 dB in the original)
Weight: 30 lbs. (Up from 22 lbs. in the original)
Dimensions: 9.5" x 12.5" x 7" (WxDxH)
Price: $1499
Company Information
Coincident Speaker Technology
391 Woodland Acres Crescent
Maple, ON.
Canada L6A1G2
Voice: (905) 326-9345
E-mail: iblume@coincidentspeaker.com